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“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17








Remember the TV sitcom from the 1980's that came on the air with the theme song, "sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came?" That song and that sentiment fits us perfectly. The Second Baptist Church of Fort Dodge is a welcoming community of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that wants everyone to know when they enter the doors that they are welcome and that we are glad they came.

Our guiding principles are simple:

-the Word of God is the final authority in our lives, and the foundation of our faith in the church.

-the Lord Jesus is the author of and originator of that faith, and the only way to a relationship of deliverance and fellowship of growth in love with God our Father.

us to the revealed truth of the Word of God, and encourages us to love one another as the fullest expression of our relationship with God in Christ.fulness of who Christ intends us to be,exposes-the Holy Spirit empowers us, through the gifts of the Spirit, to worship and grow together into the











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o f   F o r t   D o d g e , I o w a


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