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The life of a church is in its ministries and the support and encouragement they provide.The church has the ability to soothe wounds and heal hurts that we experience. The Second Baptist Church has a long standing tradition of bringing families together to lft up the name of Jesus.

These are the active standing ministries of our church and what they seek to do in the church and community. We are a community of believers who have been touched by the Lord Jesus Christ by the power and presence of his Holy Spirit, and we use our hurts, history, and testimony to minister to others the love of Jesus Christ.

Youth Ministry

The youth of our church are the future of our church and the soil into which the seed of the Word of God is planted. We encourage them to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We involve them in skill and esteem building activties such as singing, liturgical dance, and public speaking. We expose them to community activities and supervised outings to allow them the space and opportunity to express their individualty and Christian identity.

Barnabas Men-istry

One of the most influential and important people in the New Testament was an assistant to the apostles named Barnabas. His name means "son of encouragement". The Barnabas Men-istry is a group of men focused upon encouraging men and youth to step into the shoes they were meant to fill and reach their full potential in Christ. Just as the Apostle Paul was encouraged by Barnabas to go forward in the preaching of the Gospel, these men encourage all brothers in Christ to be all they can be in their walk with Christ and in their individual lives.

Hat Ladies and Gentlemen

Charlene Washington pulled together a group of ladies and gentlemen who did not want the "old songs" of the church to die. The resulting group of singers have been a staple of the worship services at the Second Baptist church and the community for years, keeping alive the old songs of the faith and reminding the church and community of the heritage of the church.

Women's Ministry

Women have always played a central role in the New Testament church, it is the same here at the Second Baptist Church of Fort Dodge. The Women's Ministry is a vital group within the church which supports the mission of the church and provides support and spiritual guidance  for women and girls in the church and community. The Wmonen's Ministry presents workshops and activities designed to empower, encourage, and enlighten women and girls to their God given potential to lift the lives of women everywhere with the love of Christ and the Word of God.

Pastoral Support

Bishop Darensbourg is a compassionate, spirit-filled bible preacher and  expositor of the scriptures with a Christ-centered message and ministry.  We support the word ministry of Bishop Darensbourg with our finances and faithful, fervent prayers that God would continue to pour into him that he might pour into us.

An integral part of the early church's fellowship in the NewTestament was the common meal that disciples shared together which accompanied many of their worship gatherings. It is no accident that in the modern church, we share often times after or before the worship service in a common meal together. The Second Baptist Church has a long history for fellowship together over a well planned and prepared meal. As the worship service nourishes the spirit, the common meal nourishes the soul and body.

Food Service Ministry

our ministries


working in the vineyard

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