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How you can donate and help OUR Church

Every church depends upon the generous contributions of its members and visitors alike to be able to continue to provide ministries, services, and charitable support to people and families in need. The old testament and new testament saints all supported the ministry and the ministers with their gifts to the temple. The fact is that we cannot contribute to society in any meaningful way without you.

In the 21st century, there are many ways for you to make our work possible. Even if you are away from us and cannot come out to the worship service, this website provides you with the ability to get a strengthening word from God, and a place to be encouraged and covered in prayer by the saints of God. Please make a contribution today to help us move this ministry into the hearts and lives of all those who visit us online and in person.


ways you can donate:



Whenever you are in our area we would love to have you visit our worship services for a relevant word for life's real problems. When you visit, please consider investing generously in the ministry work we are doing here at the Second Baptist Church of Fort Dodge. Send us an email to let us know you're coming!

Won't you partner with us? With a $10.00 seed offering

your generous contribution will go a long way in helping us reach more spiritually hungry people with the Word of God, and more seeking souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


We would love to hear from you the old fashioned way as well, snail mail! If this ministry has blessed you or if you want to be a blessing to this ministry, drop your generous seed offering in the mail with a note, prayer request, or praise report! We will respond.



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